Monday 17 March 2014

Flopped out!

When a bunny is really hoppy and feels safe we do this thing that hoomins call 'flopping'. If you are lucky enough you might get to see your bun flop! Sometimes if yoy are really good at flopping  you can trick your hoomin in to thinking you are dead ehehehe



This is the first time my Mumma ever caught me flopping! 

This was just a few days ago! I love flopping in the spare littre box, so does my husbun Shamus :)



Hugs and Bunny Kisses
Peach and Master Shamus 

Shamus is very protective of his ears!

What cute ears you have Shamus!!

Shamus: Dis is mine ear you can't have it hoomin! 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Building our Condo!

Greetings everybun!

I wanted to show you our bunny condo that Peach and I share :)

When we were young we had a normal indoor cage that just sat on the floor. it was pretty good but we soon ran out of room to hop around :(

Mumma did heaps and heaps of research online and decided to build us a condo made out of NIC cubes! I was a very excited bun and helped Mumma out a lot!! I watched to make sure she was doig it right!

Mumma isn't very gifted when it comes to the real hardwork so she enlisted grandma and grandpa to help make the different levels :D

After an inspection and much deliberating i decided the condo was to my liking and would be a suitable place to live!

Mumma bought some nice squishy mats for us and had to put in a step for my wifebun because she couldn't jump between the shelves (she isn't as brave as i am, i can do it in a single bound!!). 

Nowadays our condo isn't always as clean (Mumma is soo lazy sometimes!) but now we have a bottom for the condo and it even has wheels :) 

Stay hoppy! 
-Master Shamus 

Saturday 15 March 2014

Hellooo everybun, Peach here! If you didn't know I am a cashmere which means i get very very fluffy and sometimes my fur gets matted :( A few weeks ago Mumma had me shaved for the first time because it was very hot and i wasn't comfortable.

 At first i was a grumpybun but then i realized how much better it felt! I started jumping and binkying for joy! 

My fur has grown back pretty quickly but it's not as woolly as it was so I am a much happier bunny :D

Hugs and kisses 

The art of being invisible

If i don't move mummy can't see me and won't know i am trying to sneak some pellets.. 

I am invisible 

Stay hoppy 
Greeting hoomins and bunnies Master Shamus here.

I just wanted you to take a few minutes to admire mine new hat. 
I think purple is definitely my colour. 

Thank you for your attention  
- Master Shamus 


Helllooo everybunny and welcome to our blog!!!

We are still learning how to use your hoomin technology.

I'm Peach! And the grey lump you will see in pictures is my husbun Shamus! Or 'Master Shamus' as he likes to be called *rolls eyes*. He can be a bit of a drama queen! Don't tell anybun but mumma calls him her 'little shoo shoo' hehehe.

 Anyhoozlle this blog will be about our adventure as house bunnies :) we hop to show hoomins that bunnies need love and attention just like cats and dogs :) 

Love and bunny kisse
